Case study user experience test


Use case crowdtesting: An example how crowdtesting can be utilized profitably in practice

User experience test to optimize the customer interface "interactive voice response (IVR)"

A smooth and simple interaction between customers and the service desk is indedispenable for a sustainable and long-term customer relationship. In order to design one of the most important customer interfaces as user-friendly as possible one of the big Swiss telecommunications operators performed a user experience test of its IVR. The goal was to get an idea how their customers perceive the system. The test was conducted twice, always after an adaptation of the IVR’s menu structure. For this, out of an existing crowdtester community, a tester panel, consisting of 50 and 25 testers respectively, was recruited. Each of the testers got the task to execute a catalogue of 10 customer issues – the top ten of the ones that generated the most calls in the customer’s call centres - like a true customer. In order to do so the testers called the operator’s info-line and navigated through the menu as per their best guess.


Project goals

o Get feedback about the testers perception:

• How do the tester perceive the new IVR?
• How do the tester utilize the system?
• How understandable are the advices of the system?
• What is implemented ok, were do the tester see some room for improvement?

o Identified failures shall be reported.

o How do the users navigate through the menu structure?

Project realization

Within five days the testers performed over 500 calls and reported, over an online survey, their perception as well as the combination of the buttons they used. After another three days the result report including specific implementation proposals, collected from the tester feedbacks, was finalised and presented to the customer.


The test findings could be utilized immediately by the customer to optimize the IVR. Beside the feedback how well the system is treated on a scale from “not satisfactory” to “very good”, especially the free text feedback about identified failures and specific user perception was rated as extremely valuable. Like this, for example, routings to an announcement in a wrong language or the, in the French speaking part of Switzerland as annoying perceived accent of the speaker, were reported.
The extraordinary end-user like test method and the very detailed described user perceptions are the advantages that differentiates such a user experience test performed with testers that are or could be real customers from an automated lab test or a test performed by an ordinary test centre.

Your advantages when using crowdtesting

✔ Extraordinary end user like test method
✔ Very valuable free text feedback from the testers
✔ Simple and specific recruiting of a tester panel out of an existing tester community
✔ Efficient execution of the test by specifically developed tools
✔ Online-access for customers on all data in the project dashboard (test- and ticket status, tester feedback etc.)

Our service

✔ Consulting: How can crowdtesting be implemented and utilized successfully
✔ Intermediary between crowdtesters and customer
✔ Test execution from kick-off until the result report presentation

swintelligence LLC offers services for innovations management with crowdsourcing (ideation, co-creation and problem solving) and crowdtesting. This allows you to obtain all services needed for an agile product development process with customer involvement out of one source. Over its own crowdsourcing platform ( swintelligence offers you access to state of the art tools (PaaS) and a pool of existing communities.

Are interested in crowdtesting as well? Ask for an offer today!